Thursday, September 13, 2012

Champions Online (White Out, #1)

 Let's talk about the best writing I've seen in Champions Online to date. The Comic Series called “White Out.” Though frustrating at multiple points, I had the greatest amount of fun running this arc. It also pushed my character build in new and interesting ways. But let's back it up and head to Canada.

The story starts with Justiciar informing me that the base of Steelhead is currently under a communications blackout due to jamming. They assume it's Argent agents who appear to be setting up satellite dishes on the perimeter. But, due to a massive oncoming snow storm, they don't want to send out normal troops. I volunteer and head out to kick some Argent ass.

As I start systematically taking down Argent outposts, something becomes clear. Argent thinks we are jamming them, not vice versa. Also, one of the agents drops a pistol that functions as a temporary power (Again, called Devices here.)

I notice it also unlocks a new pistol model when you equip/bind it. I quickly equip it, but can't see my new gun model just yet. No biggie, I'll keep running this arc. As I take down the last dish, I'm treated to a cut scene.

Justiciar calls me up and tells me of the crash, and that he's sent men out to investigate. Oh. So, your guys can't take down a couple satellites but investigating an alien ship is A-Ok, eh? I head over to rendezvous with the team and find the team leader unconscious. Reviving him, he tells me how soldiers ambushed his group. I am tasked to search for survivors. 

As I head from spot to spot, I find myself fighting what appears to be Steelhead soldiers, wolves and even some sort of dinosaur. Odd, but especially when you get them down to a quarter of their health bar – they vanish in a blue flash. The soldiers I do find are all dead, slain from energy blasts or horrific cuts. Finally, I find signs of a struggle that indicate some survivors were taken to the crashed ship.

I head over and I'm immediately greeted with the sight of four energy prisons, each holding a soldier.

Activating the one on the far right begins a hellish fight against shape shifting aliens known as the Roin'esh. After many five waves of three Roin'esh each, I finally triumph thanks to my passive defense and pop-up mini-gun. Defeating the final Roin'esh results in a loot icon appearing, surrounded by a red energy aura. I assume it's special, and I'm right.

Talking to Sgt. Blair informs me that I'm finished with the first part of White Out and hitting accept will take me to the second phase. I accept, but I'll save that for another post.

- @Epsicon


  1. OK, I'm not reading this post yet because I don't want spoilers, but it does make me somewhat hopeful. I've been very disappointed in the writing of CO thus far.

    1. Yeah, the White Out coverage I'll be doing will be very spoiler heavy. (Unfortunately, that also means the next four posts will be about this)

      I can agree with you on the questionable writing quality elsewhere in the game.. just wait till I tear the Foxbat arc a new one.
